Google has introduced an engaging interactive Doodle titled “Rise of the Half Moon December” to celebrate the final Half Moon of December. This monthly recurring card game invites players to test their knowledge of the lunar cycle by connecting different phases of the moon.

How to Play:

  1. Access the Game: Visit Google’s homepage, where the Doodle is featured.
  2. Understand the Objective: The goal is to pair cards representing various lunar phases to earn points.
  3. Strategize: Use the new wildcards wisely to maximize your score and outsmart your celestial opponent.
  4. Challenge Yourself: Aim to beat the moon and earn rewards.

This Doodle is part of a series celebrating lunar cycles, offering both fun and educational content.

For those interested in tracking the lunar cycle, Google provides a downloadable “Half Moon Rises” wallpaper.

Enjoy this celestial-themed game and enhance your understanding of the moon’s phases!

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